I love Daisies.
No doubt about it, they are a happy flower.
And tough as nails.
They have been a part of any flower garden I have grown.
A few years back I ran across some seeds of Crazy Daisy.
A ruffledy, fun, sport of the tried and true Shasta Daisy.I started the seeds and plenty sprouted and thrived.
Some were much more fluffy ruffled than others.
Like the one above.
Some had long elegant petals that gracefully draped.Some are more sedate with just a couple rows of petals.
I also have regular Daisies in my garden,
Some with short and stubby petals. Some shorter in stature, like this Silver Princess.
She is not blooming yet but very soon.
I had planted an entire 6 pack of this type several years ago but only one stayed under 18 inches tall.
So in the places in my garden that I want a more diminutive daisy I have taken root divisions of this one and replanted them.
I wanted one in front of a rose bush but I did not want it to grow taller than the rose.
So the shorter daisy works perfect here.I have tried to start seeds from it but they too grow to be taller than I want.
So root divisions it is.
Daisies are also a very hardy lot.
This one grows in the gravel next to the road, it is gorgeous, rarely gets any water, remains straight and sturdy when others are top heavy and flop over.
It too is just about to bloom.
Here is a batch that reseeded themselves and I just let them come up until I am ready to do something in this space. They are in front of the Dream Weaver rose.Each one seems to be slightly different than the next.
If you wish to read the interesting history of the Shasta Daisy and how it came to be just click HERE
For me they are a drought tolerant flower, something we need right now being that California is in a drought.
In any garden if they get too much water they have a tendency to get gangly and flop over.
If you want a step by step of dividing them then click here. HOW TO PROPAGATE SHASTA DAISY
The only additional info I would add is I don't always wait until Fall to dig up and divide.
If I need to move one, even in the height of Summer, I just do it.
I do sacrifice some blooms but if I want something to go in that particular spot or if that plant is looking shabby then I do it any ol' time.
I do be sure and keep the transplants well watered so they can survive the shock and have a chance to set down some good roots.