What a fabulous couple of days we have enjoyed! What a difference warmth and sunny skies can make in my demeanor!
When the sun shines and the air is warm I have so much energy. Now channeling that energy efficiently is my challenge. I want to get a bazillion things done at once so I have to make a list and prioritize or I end up going several different directions with little results by the end of the day.
I started my morning with my coffee in the garden, it was the first morning it started at 50 degrees so it was quite pleasant. I sit on these front steps facing into my garden. That is my Burb parked there.

And this is the scene I face.

I sit, peruse my front garden and porch and plan on what I need to do to whip them into shape. I need to power wash the front porch desperately, for some reason male cats have chosen it to mark their territory and it smells to high heaven.
The flower bed to the left is my broccoli and the trees I need to find a good spot for. I may pot them up into larger pots and put them on my back deck for now but we shall see.
The flower bed on the right is full of volunteer flowers and the ferns that grow wild here. I have yet to decide what I wish to do there for a certainty, until then the volunteers reign supreme.
As I sat there, sipping my oh so delicious coffee I heard the oddest sound. I thought one of my hens must be ill and wandered around back to check it out. Lo and behold one of my young roosters is trying to crow and he sounds quite awful!
The moaning rooster.

I took the time while back there to fill their feeders and freshen the water, tossed in a flake of alfalfa hay and watched them start scratching and pecking thru it. They love their alfalfa! While in the greenhouse where I store their food I noted all the hanging flower pots waiting to be filled with trailing petunias, the windows boxes waiting for some cheery flowers to fill them as well.
When it was wet and rainy I just had no desire to get out and get them all planted up but today was the day! But I had to fit it in with painting sign orders. It is hard for me to paint when I want to be outside in the dirt!
But work prevailed so I made sure to run to the lumberyard, get the boards for the signs, cut them to size, sand them and got a good base paint slathered on. Now I could play in the garden to my hearts content. The signs have to dry so I leave them to it and go outside.
Here is what I got done…
I potted up my planters and pots with petunias..I still need to scrub down the pots a bit.

I also messed around with my potting bench.
After I loaded this photo I noticed I missed painting the legs. Funny how you spot things in photographs you totally miss seeing. I am going to hang the rake head on the backboard and use it to hang tools. I want to paint the yellow metal tub something different but am still debating on what color.
The chalk paint held up very well on the potting bench, it had only maybe a day or two to dry before we were hit with a couple weeks worth of drenching rainstorms. I am quite impressed.
I am off to work today…hope all are well and enjoy their weekend.
ta ta…