Paris Café sign
I have a few signs I have completed recently and I need to get them listed on my website. I better do that tomorrow if I can.
This sign was special ordered but then the customer backed out. I did not mind as I figured it would do well on my website. I may do more with a floral theme. I had not thought to do any in Spanish before so this was fun.
Abuelita’s Jardin sign
And a new Nana’s Garden sign. Lot’s of hydrangeas on this one.
I am working on my Subway Art signs, as they are in demand. They are most challenging for me as I prefer painting flowers but when you are in business you go for what the customer wants. But I am starting to get into it and I may place some inspirational sayings in my own home.
I am also working on a tutorial of the Saloon sign, I cut the board out today then realized it was too short to add roses to, so I have to find another old board long enough so the post and tutorial shall be delayed. So sorry.

Au Revoir!

Come on in and see what else I have been up to