Good fabulous morning everyone! Isn’t it a gorgeous day?
Here is my motto for the day…I think I need to make it into a sign.

If feels like Spring is here though I do realize that we have had snow dump on us during Spring break, 3 feet or so of snow.
This is a photo of my front garden on March 25th, 2011. Shudder!
If you want the full story click the photo.

Our ground is bare today and though my garden looks a bit winter weary I can see signs of life popping up, the tulips are about 2 inches out of the ground…
that reminds me, a trip to Ironstone Winery is in order. I am sure their barrels are teeming with gorgeousness just waiting for me to come enjoy and photograph.
Today I must work on the mountain and get a few condos cleaned but I would rather be painting and working on cleaning up my gardens. Though once I am there I do enjoy the beauty that surrounds me, the mountain peaks are still frosted with snow and on a sunny day it is a lovely sight to behold.
Yesterday I let my hens free range my yard and though one strawberry bed has been decimated (I did not think they would come to the front garden, my mistake) they had a great time gobbling up the wormy goodness they scratched up.
Who me? I’m not hurting your strawberries..

I spent my day, as they wandered, scratched and debugged, wrapping signs to ship, painting on a few others and tidying my studio a bit. While moving stuff around I found a nest of those nasty black and brown spiders like the one that bit me. Eeeeuw.
Now spiders in general do not bother me but they do not belong in my studio and now I am merciless in wiping them out since one had the temerity to climb up and bite my face a couple weeks ago. Needless to say they are gone for now.
This is the sign I worked yesterday. I can’t wait to make one with our name on it and wedding date for the customized sample for the website. This sign is a good size, 24” x 11.25”

This one too is a new one, I am working on a second already that has a rose motif (go figure). This is a large sign, 22” x 22”, I need to photograph them in a set up that gives perspective. I am working on that.

Okay, enough of my babbling this morning, I need to get my fandango moving, pack my lunch and head for the hills.
Check back, I have more signs I got painted up this week! Just a painting fool.