I need to ask to pick some to make apple pie biscuits with. I don't want to go buy apples when I have a ton daily falling to the ground all around me.
They don't go to waste as the deer and bears are sure to snap them up before the night is out but I am sure the local critters won't mind if I use some to bake with.
Lately I have been in the building mode again. I made myself this sweet little rustic looking box to hold my white dishes.
I have built wood toolboxes in the past..and I still use them. The only difference with this one is no need for handles.
After taking the photo above I decided to have some fun with it and did a fun Fall vignette with it.
I love the subtle colors of the hydrangeas with the little white pumpkins.
I just love this gorgeous color of this one

For many more trug or wood toolbox ideas and inspiration check out my Pinterest Board dedicated to it.
If you are needing a bit of storage or just a fun project to do this is it.
There is nothing more satisfying than gazing upon something you have made yourself.