It has been awhile since I did a garden walk with you. I have more gorgeous blooms for you all to enjoy.
First I wanted to share a Family Rules sign I just sent out. I can do these in many different colors for backgrounds or for the lettering, this one was requested in black with white.

I love the fluidity of the Loki Cola font used for the family name, it gives it a bit of panache.
These are the chairs to a set that includes a settee that I would dearly love to keep and reupholster myself but with my limited time I don’t think that is possible. I have yet to get quotes to have them upholstered but I can see they need basically to be taken down to the frame and redone and that adds up to mucho dinero. So that is not practical either.
Sigh, I will sell them to someone who can bring them back to their former glory and appreciate their beauty. Can you see they are a his and hers set, one being larger than the other?
The carved details are swoon worthy.

Okay, on to the promised flowers. I know many are panting for Fall to start but I am still relishing the warm summer weather and so is my garden.
Luna Pink Swirl Hibiscus
Luna White Hibiscus…love the red center. The flowers are a good 6 inches across or more. You didn’t think hibiscus like this would grow in the mountains, did you??? Yep, these babies come back every summer and then die back for the winter.
My Eden rose is blooming again. It is still a small plant but it blooms away. I cannot wait until I covers the arbor.

I take tons of photos, I am going to attempt to paint it and try to capture the delicacy of the shades of pink but it will be a challenge for me.

Next is my Petal Pusher roses, they are still flourishing and came thru the heat wave with flying colors. I love the contrast with the morning glory.

This rose was a mystery to me, it is blooming on the Crown Princess Margareta canes and I thought maybe it had cropped up from below the graft but no it was a regular cane.

This photo below is the color Crown Princess Margareta is supposed to be and all other blooms on the same cane as the above yellow set were the proper color. so who knows what happened above.

Not long ago I showed you this collection of morning glories after they had been eaten to a nub by the deer but as you can clearly see they have fully recovered.

My Kirsten Poulson rose. It is still a toughie and blooms non stop. Actually, this rose came up from a piece of a root I had left in the ground when moving and now it is a flourishing good sized plant. I love the old own root roses.

This past year we took down an oak tree that shaded part of the yard. Once we did that this Queen Elizabeth rose started to gain health and beauty. I had been floundering for the past few years. It just needed the sun.

Queen of Sweden. Next Spring I am going to peg this rose and get tons more blossoms from it.

The Stargazer lilies have been perfuming my garden walks. I have them placed all around my garden so as I walk I can always catch a whiff.

I know it seems like I have a lot of pinks in my garden, but there are still some blues too.

And some red.
Monarda or Bee Balm (Jacob Cline)

I nearly forgot, here is one of my new roses and I have shared it before but each time it blooms it still takes my breath away.
Kiss of Desire

Can you see why I have no desire for summer to end?
Who would wish for blankets of white snow or brown leaves falling from near naked trees when you can have all of the glorious colors above.
Plus winter makes me fat! I snuggle by the warmth of the woodstove and console myself (over not getting to play in the dirt) with fresh baked Snickerdoodle cookies and spicy sweet Pumpkin bars with to die for cream cheese frosting.

Enjoy my blooms..until next post. Ta…

Come on in and see what I have been working on.

Beautiful! Your flowers are stunning!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lorrie, I do enjoy my garden.
DeleteThose chairs will make an excellent re-do and your garden is lovely :)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful flowers! I wish my hibiscus would bloom! They are so slow!! Your roses all look beautiful! Those are neat chairs. I can imagine a lot of these ladies that like to re-do everything with that white/French look going after these! It does get expensive to re-do furniture but then new quality furniture pieces are expensive too!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your garden tour of blooms. They are so gorgeous and I can only imagine the fragrance. I am sure you will find a new home for the chairs- they will be very stylish recovered.I think everyone should have one of your rules signs!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the tour of your garden. You say you are in the mountains...I am curious which state. I am in Colorado and have had such a time trying to get much of anything to grow on the property let alone come back the next year. My hibiscus seeds to finally sprout after the smoke cleared from the fires but they are only 2 inches tall and I dont give them much hope to weather the winter. Blessings.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see how you would reupolster the chairs, but yes, it does cost a bit. I am sure somebody will be very happy to have those! Your garden is thriving! My yard has just been so dry that most of my flowers are spent except waves of pink and white cosmos, that I love!!
ReplyDeleteI am following you now!