I just sent out this Potting Shed sign. The photo does not show up the pink rosebuds well but they are there.
I have been buried in painting up special orders as fast as I can. I pop out of the studio here and there to grab a bite to eat and see to other necessary duties.
My studio is crazy disorganized at this point but that is the way it goes when you have more items on your list than time in the day.
Another sign going out today.
Welcome to Our Cottage with Hydrangeas. Love the colors together.
Between signs I have worked on the chalk boards a bit more. I got the trim done on this one along the inside rim. I put chalk lettering on it so you can see it.
And I changed my mind on the frame for this one, I just painted a border along the edge and bottom though who knows I may decide to go ahead with the trim if I can dig out my table saw.
I finally have gotten to that “how to Paint a Daisy” tutorial and will ‘hopefully’ post it on Monday, for those of you following my Learn to Paint series.
Here is a teaser photo.
If all of that is not enough to keep me busy I have spent each evening learning how to make themes, child themes, writing CSS script etc. for my new website. When I am done with all this I will be able to make anyone a website and/or edit pre-existing themes to my specifications. (I hope)
Exercising my brain like this is good for it but I now have dreams about writing code, widgets and plugins. I have to keep reminding myself that Wordpress is my friend.
Actually, I have to commend all you out there that have posted videos and tutorials that are so user friendly in all of this stuff. Especially the step by step screen shot videos. They save me hours of work and frustration, for sure.
Okay, enough prattle from me, I am just checking in to let everyone know I have not fallen off this freezing earth. At least freezing here. A high of 32 degrees yesterday, brrrr. A start of 25 this morning, it does take the studio heater a bit to warm it up at that temp.
Back out to work I go.
Happy Painting,

Lovely as always!