Within an hour it looked like this…
Another hour goes by..
After that one I stopped taking photos. Then we have this week…warm and mild.
My purpose in showing you that is to prove my previous post called Capricious Spring. Snow and cold one day then sun and warm the next.
So on to my real post…
My chicks were in need of a brooder, I had to get them out of my studio, the dust and dander they create was more than I could endure so a brooder is born.
Yep, that is my hubby wearing shorts and a t-shirt to work outside, quite the contrast to above, isn’t it. Not a lick of snow left.
He is cutting out the door here.
Basically we built a plywood box, he hung it from the inside of the chicken pen. Inside the pen they are safer from predators and kind of get used to the larger hens.
The are ladies staying far away from this contraption for the moment but they have their alfalfa to enjoy.
I ran the cord for the heat lamp thru the chicken wire.
The babies are not sure what to do in their new digs at first.
I tried to get a close up of them, 3 of them show signs of having the top knot that some Swedish Flower hens have. But they were so busy scurrying around that I could not get a clear shot of them. This white one has the top know for sure. No sure signs of a rooster yet. I may have to invest in another batch of hatching eggs.
I have been kept busy with custom sign orders and along the way I try to paint signs for my website. Here is a couple I just finished.
Today I have more painting to do so out to the studio I go, after I have folded and put away laundry.
Enjoy this wonderful day!

I like this natural beauty with snow. You have done amazing work. Thank you for sharing this post.
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