I read emails and a few blogs while I sipped and waited for the sun to rise.
I was starting on my third cup when I realized my desktop computer was going to revolt on me. I restarted it many times until I finally got it to where I could back up what files were new enough that I knew they were not included in the last auto back up.
Being faithful in backing up saved me a lot of headaches and work today!
Now I need to spend a few hours fixing it but not today.
I did manage to pick some ripe tomatoes and cook them down into sauce, it smelled so good it made me hungry for lasagna.
I let it cool and promptly slopped a good portion onto the floor as I tried to transfer a container to the freezer. (sigh)
I nearly put my back out as I slid thru the slimy mess and my Birkenstocks will never be the same. Yes, my feet were between the floor and the spilling sauce and I discovered it was not all that cool.
I wiped up the mess and got the floor squeaky clean.
I started dinner to discover the above mentioned sauce had overflowed while roasting in the oven, now as the oven preheated to cook our chipotle potato skins smoke billows out and sets off the alarm.
My husband no longer panics when the smoke alarm goes off, I tend to set it off quite regularly as I cook dinner.
So what is a gal to do with such a day but toss in the towel, quit worrying about getting anything accomplished and head to the garden.
I dead head, gather seeds and tidy spent blooms. The quiet tasks soothe the battered nerves.
I listen to the chink, chink, chink of falling pine cones as the squirrels snip them from the trees. They shred them once they are on the ground to gather the nuts and stash them away for winter. They have been very busy the past few weeks, it makes me wonder what kind of winter we shall have this year.
My garden time brings me the peace I seek. I check the chicks to be sure they are safe for the night and the hens are locked up tight before I head into the house.
Dusk falls early it seems.
I have not forgotten my painting lessons. Because of the aforementioned technical difficulties my next episode will only be slightly delayed but I promise I will post it soon.

Just a preview.
I hope you enjoyed my garden today and may it bring you a bit of peace on a crazy Monday.

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