A pair of chairs I painted that I use at my painting table.
I picked up these chairs at a thrift store for $3 each. They painted up real pretty.
I wish I had before photos for you but just imgaine just wood, these are older folding chairs, they work great since when I need the out of the way I can fold them up and lean them against a wall.
Just a sample of what can be done when you learn to decoratively paint.
But I am never done learning. Now I am attempting a new method with artist acrylics which can be mixed to act like oils. I have stayed away from oils because of the toxicity but now I can get the effect without the odor or toxins.
…here is my first attempted rose with the new method…don’t laugh. I know it is rough but I am learning and I am keeping this to remind me of how I started out.
Why, you may ask am I wishing to learn this method since I already paint roses? When visited France both in 2004 and 2008 I was fascinated with the paintings in the Louvre and on the walls in Versailles. I want to paint these roses and flowers.
This is just a side point but did you know the Mona Lisa is painted on wood?
Now that you have my story I will start on the how to paint my way series.
We will start with the supplies
I have used a variety of brands and my favorites are Loew Cornell 7300 series and Royal Majestic though the One Stroke Brushes will work too.
All brushes lose their edge with time but the Loew Cornell and Royal Majestic have held up longer for me than other brands. Some of the soft grip type handles peel very easy making a mess and I quit using them entirely.

My most used brush for roses is the size 12, then 10, I use the smaller 8, 6, and 4 for smaller flowers. I also use the filberts for posies and my hydrangea blossoms.
A nice liner is good for vining.
I have used all three major brands of craft acrylics. The Delta Ceramcoat works the best for me for lettering, the consistency is a bit more fluid but with good opacity. I have used mostly Folk Art paint as it was what I started with in Donna Dewberrys books but any of these 3 brands will work for you.
I have not used Martha Stewarts line at all so I can’t give an opinion on hers.

A brush caddy for cleaning your brushes. (You can see mine is well used)

I buy the large stacks of Styrofoam plates from Costco to use as a palette.
I use this for my brush cleaner. I rub my rinses brush in this and shape then let the soap dry in them. I rinse it out before using the brush. This helps to lengthen the life of the brush for me.
For transferring any design to my painting surface I use graphite paper, the marks will come off readily with the magic rub eraser. I like to layout my basic design usually before I start painting it.

So other than the surface I am going to paint those are my basic supplies.
Also a fabulous place to paint is not necessary but oh so wonderful if you can pull it off.
My studio and painting haven.

Next I will demo double loading and then some basic strokes.
Time for me to go watch some painting lessons.

Keep the lessons coming! We're out here appreciatively waiting for more!
ReplyDeleteHi Pamela,
ReplyDeleteI use to paint roses alot when I taught Tole Painting. Haven't painted them for years. I actually have roses painted on my husbands high chair from when he was a child. I pulled it out to sale at a yard sale we are having this Sat. now I am having seond thoughts. I always used the Lowe Cornell brushes also. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.
OMG, do NOT sell that highchair! I can't even imagine parting with such a piece of family history! Anyway, I just found Pam's lessons, and I'm excited to possibly be in at the beginning of a series of lessons for once. I have always found lessons a year or more after everyone else was finished and gone. Pam, if you can teach me this, you will have earned countless good karma points, because it has been something I've been wanting and trying to get since I was a kid (a very long time ago.)
ReplyDeleteI havent been by in a while and I am so glad to stop by today and catch up! I am loving your new how to paint series! Great job girl! I was interested to see the brushes you love and use as I have been quite unhappy with the run of the mill one stroke brushes and losing shape... also paints! I've tried many too, Martha Stuarts line is quite thick and I'm not having much luck with them especially with one stroke painting! Love the Americana line the most!
Keep it going!