This being Garden Bloggers Bloom day I am writing a post of my blooms I found on my way to the chicken house this morning, no matter how bedraggled and ratty looking.
A rose I have in a pot under the back deck. The rose is spent and I need to trim it off but the plant is not even dormant yet, unusual for this time of year.
We had a frosty 28 degrees here this morning, and the violas are curling up a bit, I would too.
Thankfully they will spring back up and be bright and cheerful again at the first hint of warmth!
In the greenhouse things are status quo, this tub of baby geraniums I started from seed needs to be potted up into individual pots and placed in a more insulated spot, like my studio or in the house, I should get to that before the real cold hits or they may well be toast! Since geraniums at the nursery run about $4 a pop in 4 inch pots I figure there is at least $40 worth in this little tub, well worth protecting!
Here is some butterfly bush seedlings, they will do fine in the cold, I think. Maybe I should bring them in as well. It wouldn’t hurt.
this black eyed Susie is a one tough cookie, it is trying to put on new flowers.
And this rose cutting start is putting on new growth as well.
The succulents on my back deck are doing great, I made sure to get hardy varieties and they sure are!
After a took a few shots this morning my DSLR camera DIED! Or at least it refuses to work. I still have my point and shoot I can make do with but it is just not the same.
I am not going to panic, just research online what it may be. I use this camera just about daily and was just now learning to use it better and to have it go belly up is just a bit overwhelming.
I do wish to upgrade and have my sights set on the one I would like to get but I am not able to lay out that kind of blunt yet.
Oh well it will work out one way or another. My hubby and I are fighting a cold this day, it is a nasty one so we will just take it easy, drink hot herb tea and let our bodies combat it.

Hope you get over this bug quickly. There is a very unkind virus going around also.
ReplyDeleteThis warm weather has prodded our spring flowers to start surfacing ... they are really up. Gives me the itch to dig ...
Have a lovely day ~
Pam, Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon. It looks like your plants are ready for spring. I think we all are! And you have to admire that Black Eyed Susan. She isn't even waiting for spring! Happy Bloom Day!
ReplyDeleteYour tiny seedlings do inspire me. Must get gumption to try. Hope your cold passes fast. Thanks for the photos.
ReplyDeleteI hope you and your hubby feel better soon. Loved seeing all that's in your greenhouse. Happy GBBD!
ReplyDeleteBe well! Nice to see your propagation successes!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that weather and your flowers, how nice to have some color during the winter months. I hope you are feeling better soon, we have been sick here too and now we are under a foot of snow, which is rather pretty with the sun shining off of it. :)
We've been sick here too! I am so sorry to hear about your DSLR! I am so worried about that happening to mine someday because I don't know what I would do! I am like you and use it almost every day!
ReplyDelete~Tonia @TheGunnySack
Thanks so much for linking up to Overflowing with Creativity!! So sorry to hear about your DSLR!! Have you entered my giveaway yet?
ReplyDeleteXO, Aimee
Customizable Frames, Signs, Wall Decor
Hope you feel better soon. How lovely to see your seedlings makes me want to get out into my greenhouse and get planting ... need to clean the glass first though.
ReplyDeleteLove your pictures...I wish I had a place to keep geranium cuttings..potted geraniums have gotten pretty pricey! Love your studio!! Stay warm!
ReplyDeleteMiss Bloomers
We haven't yet set up a greenhouse at our new place, so I'm loving yours. I'll be starting seeds on windowsills this year for sure. Hey, when my camera went wonky on me we found it was the removable memory card. Replaced it and all is well!