Friday, December 13, 2013

A House Painting

Just a quick note.  It has been a very exciting week!
A broken water pipe which started to flood the basement. (from the inordinately cold weather the beginning of the week)
And of course, it is the pipe to my studio.
So I have had to haul gallon jugs out with me instead of having the convenience of a working sink.

Ah well, such is life.
My little cottage/studio is where I have spent most of the week and here is one item of many I completed.

cozy little house700 

This house painting gave me fits over and over. 
Many times I wanted to contact the kind lady that ordered it and tell her it was beyond my capabilities.
But I pressed on, always reminding myself that I go through that on many things I paint before it all comes together.
Then I end up loving it. 
Now I want one of my own house.

This is a good sized painting, around 36 inches across.
And now that I see the results of my continued efforts (though I do have a few bald spots from yanking my hair out in frustration) I am so happy I made myself see it through.
I will share more of my creations I have been busy on later, right now I have to head up the mountain and trudge thru snow to finish cleaning a vacation home. 
The busy time is here and skiers and snow bunnies will be flocking to the mountain to enjoy all this snow and that means I will be extremely busy the next few weeks keeping things neat and tidy for them. 

The plus side is it burns off all the calories I have been consuming lately.
That is always a good thing!



1 comment:

  1. I have spent most of the week and here is one item of many I completed.rendering adelaide


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