My husband works from home, drawing on a computer, he designs machinery etc and while doing that he has the news programs going, all the time. I get so tired of the snarky comments, complaints and whining of these news shows, some how, some way they can always do things better. Ugh, even talking about them is nerve wracking. Anyways, that is why I rarely get peace and quiet in my house.
Today, my husband is from home for a bit thus the blessed silence.
Since we last visited I have been slowly but surely gaining strength and stamina. I have focused on de-cluttering my house and ridding my home of the unnecessary. It feels freeing. Life had been rather hectic and I have put it off until I could really pay attention and decide on what I want to keep for a certainty and what I can let go.
Being forced to stay home gave me the opportunity to get it done and now I can see straight to starting on my décor a little. I will share some ideas soon. My little cottage needs some TLC and it is time to start chipping away at it. My mood is English cottage style with florals and color, rather old fashioned and grandmotherly.
I also have been painting. I finished the custom garden sign and shipped it off. Here is the finished product.
I hope Jen likes it.
It was a pleasure to paint the luscious pink roses. I can’t wait until my real roses start blooming again.
In the evenings I have taken up the crochet hook again. I put the final touches on an infinity scarf I started last winter and tried it on. I am not a fan of wool as I find it irritating against my skin but thought I would do this one in the yarn the pattern called for. I tried it on to photo but could not get good light. So I set it on the bed.Though with the dry Jan/Feb we have had we need a good wet March so we have plenty of water this Spring and Summer. It is not unusual to get heavy snow/rain in March and though I love the sunshine, I love being able to water my flowers all summer even more.
I need to dig up the pattern, I think it is called Sunburst Granny square but I am not sure. The yarn itself was variegated so I did not have to switch out colors. Now to wear it.
The last two evenings I have hooked away on my latest project, something bright and colorful for these next few weeks of winter.
It is my version of this..
From Bee and Buzz
If I continue on it at the pace I have managed the past two nights I should be done by Monday or Tuesday. I like instant gratification of a project done swiftly. I would like to wear it a time or two before warm weather arrives.
Now that I have rambled on a bit and checked in I will bid you adieu and go paint a sign or two. My husband is home and guess what, the t.v. came on….boooo, quiet is gone so I will head to a quiet spot. My Studio.

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