
Monday, September 2, 2013

Bye, Bye, August And Happy September All!

August is officially over…


September to me says “FALL”

                                even if 3/4’s of it is really technically still Summer.

But the world around me is already tucking away the green of summer and donning their Autumn colors,


The mums have arrived at the Garden Center…

and my garden is fading fast.

I see a truck load of mum’s in my future,

maybe, just maybe that will keep my flower addiction assuaged.

I can tuck them in some pots and decorate the porch of my  Studio (aka Art Cottage)


I can plant a few in my Buckets for an Autumn touch,

maybe snuggle a few pumpkins up against them.

buckets of flowers 6

I can get a brazier or raised fire pit to add to my new Garden room, to enjoy sitting by

and maybe roasting a marshmallow or two.

That should warm me on chilly Autumn nights.

build a garden room 4

And I always have my homemade, oh so delicious Pesto to bring back sweet memories of summer,

each and every time I eat it.

basil patties

(actually had some tonight, and it is to DIE for!)

I need to make another batch, I don’t think the 3 gallons I have in the  freezer will be enough to last all winter. Smile

So that being said I guess if I throw myself into some Fall decorating I will talk myself into letting go of Summer.

Around these parts there is a hint that Winter may be a dilly.


Next time I will share all the signs I did for August. 

Hmm, I think I should be working on some Fall themed signs…

any suggestions??


Good bye August…


Hello September…




Sunday Showcase, Metamorphosis Monday, Give Me the Goods Monday

1 comment:

  1. Oh Pamela - your studio is just GORGEOUS - ( so is your outdoor garden room - but that studio has my heart racing )
    And I could eat pesto by the gallons - very very easily!
