
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How I plant Iris


If you have read my posts lately you will know that I do not profess to follow the text book way of gardening.

Not at all..

I am lazy, find short cuts and just free wheel it.


So if you are wanting to follow standard rules of how and when to do things in the garden then I must warn you, you are in the wrong spot. Smile

My methods have been learned by first hand trial and error over the past 20 years in various climates, conditions and zones.

That being said, on with the show!

If you want reassurance that this method will work just take a quick peek of my latest Iris posts.

Each photo is a separate post filled with my Iris’

two tone burgundy Prince Edward560Starship Enterprise

Despite my disclaimer I am so glad you stayed,I love sharing my garden with you all.

My last post was about ‘how I dig up and separate my iris …’

I will say that the standard procedure for “when” to dig up and transplant your Iris is 6 to 8 weeks after bloom, but I do it anytime after the current blooms fade and are done for the season.

dig in

Have you dug up your iris, separated them, cleaned them up? (spraying the dirt off with a hose so you can see if there are  bugs or rot to cut out is optional)

You can plant what you want to keep right away or wait awhile.  They are not too fussy.

Share the extra rhizomes with your friends, they will love you forever.

Now find the keepers a fresh place in your garden…

  a spot that gets a good 6 hours of sun each day and has good drainage.

Iris can withstand drought but not soggy feet.


Here is my spot (nothing special here)


Sprinkle on a tablespoon or so of Bone Meal to help them along


Stir the bone meal up in the dirt, mixing it in lightly


Now you can plant just one rhizome.


if you wish a batch of one color in an area here's the trick.

Plant three with the pointy nose of the rhizomes facing each other in a sort of circle.  Spacing is not critical but I place mine about 3 inches apart.

Water them in and keep them watered through the summer, not soggy though.

Do not bury deep.

Iris like to be close to the surface. I leave a bit of the tops showing when I plant, that way I know they are not too deep. 

In cold, cold climates do mulch a bit before hard cold starts but be sure and rake it back as soon as warmer weather begins. 



And one day next Spring, you will have some fresh Iris blooms to enjoy, and if they take a bit longer it will be the following season.  All the sweeter for the wait.

I hope this helps all those out there that were skittish about digging up and dividing your overcrowded Iris.

It really is this simple.

Until next time! Ta…


here is another side note:  My garden soil has been amended over the past 15 years with chicken manure and compost so it drains well, is crumbly and great for planting in. 

The best thing you can do for your plants is feed the soil.  That is different than feeding your plants.

Pink Saturday, Tatertots and Jello, Metamorphosis Monday, The Sunday Showcase, Crafto-Maniac, Inspire Me Tuesday

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