
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Starship Enterprise Iris

As promised and with all the pomp and circumstance due such a beauty…


My all time favorite Iris (so far) ‘Starship Enterprise’

Starship Enterprise close

Doesn’t she really take your breath away. 

Starship Enterprise

Didn’t I tell ya she was gorgeous!

Starship Enterprise does put the rest in the shade but they still have a beauty all their own.

This one below is similar though not quite as flashy. 

fuschia iris

It rained here yesterday and it added a bit of panache to the photos.

Now below, in all his regal glory, is The Sultan. 

the sultan iris

He is very dramatic indeed, and just a few steps away is another drama king…

Superstition, in real life it looks more black, but these photos show his purple side.

Superstition iris

Not to be outdone is another royal one…

Prince George…or what is Edward…hmmm, it is Prince something or other.

Prince Edward

See that behind him, to the left???

That is one of my trumpet lilies. 

You think this garden smells luscious now, just you wait until those babies bloom.  Then the entire neighborhood will be perfumed!

two tone iris

I tried to get a good photo of the entire side yard.  You would see this view driving up beside my house.

I live on a corner lot. 

I get a lot of drive by gawkers. I don’t’ blame them, I drive by real slow myself when I come up this hill. 


I also attempted to get a good shot of my roses, I stood at the top of my back deck stairs and shot downward.  So if the angle seems awkward that is why.

side roses


Things are changing daily in the garden.  As the iris fade soon they will be replaced by warmer weather loving flowers.

The mostly purple border will be awash with summer yellows, oranges and reds.  I tried to toss in some blue with Delphiniums and Larkspur but we shall see how well they do this year.






If you are looking to start your own website then here is a deal for you.  It is only one day so grab it while you can!

I am an affiliate of Hostgator.  A gal has got to support her garden addiction somehow!


  1. Hi Pam, I admired 'Starship Enterprise' so much when you posted a photo of it, I think it was last year, and I have looked for it at a couple of local iris growers but couldn't find one. (Although I did find 'Jurassic Park', which I love.) May I ask where ypu obtained your "Starship Enterprise'? Such a beautiful and unusual iris but then I think all of your irises are lovely!

  2. WOW.... Pam your iris are simply beautiful! I see you love them as much as I do. I have some pretty ones also, but yours are stunning. I will have to get the ones you have.
    Beautiful garden..... enjoy it. Stop by and see my garden I posted today.
    Have a great week.

  3. What a beautiful garden, your Iris is a beauty indeed!

  4. Very nice, love your flowers and am so jealous of your creative space. Some day!!!
