
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 13th Garden Walk

I have started my morning garden walks, things are starting to pop open and though I still have tons of weeding to do (our last rain storm followed by pure warm sunshine has given the weeds a jump start) I ignore them and tour for blooms to photograph and share.

My Clematis are all starting to open up..I have several but I will start with the first two to open up.

Bourbon Clematis

This beauty shares the arbor over our front walkway with a Tess D'Urbervilles English Rose. 

bourban clematis

Nelly Moser Clematis

This one is located just in front of my front porch rail. 

neller moser clematis

My Iris are getting started too, this one is a bi-colored iris, unfortunately I cannot remember the name.  I bought the majority of my iris corms for Schreiner’s

They ship only huge healthy corms, I have never lost a one and they reproduce like crazy. 

bi color iris


purple speckled iris


lovely iris

This is one of the old fashioned “Flags” they are scented, this one smells like Grape Kool-Aid. I have another color in my collection here that has the same scent and when you walk past it is soooo delightful.

grape koolaid iris

This is the one my cousin  dug up in an old Idaho homestead’s forgotten garden.  Do you still have this one Brenda???

purple spotted iris

It is loaded with buds and the orange one behind it is getting ready to open.

purple spotted iris1

Now to a couple roses…

Crown Princess Margareta English rose

princess margareta rose

Dream Weaver climbing rose

dream weaver rosebud

And my favorite of the moment,

Cecile Brunner

It is climbing my chicken house…

cecile brunner chicken house

cecile brunner rose

cecile brunner close


When the sun hits it you cannot even smell the chickens, the rose scent is so powerful it overrides the chicken doo, not THAT is powerful.

Enjoy the rest of your day….



1 comment:

  1. Your flowers are wonderful. I love iris's and of course roses. My iris are already bloomed and gone, wish they were like roses and bloomed all the time.
    Your garden is beautiful.
    Have a great week.
