
Monday, April 29, 2013

Pelargonium cuttings (aka: zonal Geraniums) have Roots!

Many enjoyed my blog post on propagating Pelargoniums.  Do you want to see some results?
We have healthy long roots.  Time to pot up this baby up and give those roots some room to spread out!
First I put a bit of Perlite in the bottom of the pot for good drainage, about 1/2 an inch in depth.
Add your potting soil.  You can see the size difference between the pot I took the plant from (right) and the new one (left).  The roots are going to love that room to spread out.
It looks happier already.  They will stay in the greenhouse to get settled then I will acclimate it to the outside as soon as I know the nights will stay out of the frost zone (normally that is the 3rd weekend in May but this year we are out of sync and everything is blooming a month ahead).
All cozy on their shelf in the greenhouse.  This week I shall put them out on the back deck in the shade then return them to the greenhouse at night, in case it drops in temp too far for their comfort.
I have done this with some ivy geraniums too, they are taking a bit longer to root.  We shall see how much longer. 
The petunias I did the same time as these geraniums rooted even faster.  Now to build my raccoon proof planter!
Happy Planting


  1. I root mine all the time, & take them out of the ground for the winter & house them under a light in the garage. Soooo love these pretties.


  2. What lovely, healthy looking Pelargoniums. It's always great to make more plants instead of having to buy them.
