
Monday, April 8, 2013

My April Garden update

Remember me waxing poetic on the LACK of snow on my garden this year???

Well, I was smacked with the REAL Spring as known in White Pines this morning.  Sigh.


My last post of my lovely flowers I put up on Saturday: My Garden in  April 2013


My lovely fuchsia  Hyacinths are under there somewhere.


I had just brought my bamboo out of the greenhouse to separate and the snow has it bowing over.  I need to go shake it off.

I hear there is more to come this week.  My poor Grandma Jo peach tree was full of blossoms too and I was just thinking that I would actually get some peaches this year unless we had a bad freeze. 

Oh well.  It is not as if I am not used to the capriciousness of Spring here in White Pines. 

Off to work I go this morning…

Cheers and sunny skies to all…

1 comment:

  1. Snow is really unwanted at this time of year! We had flurries over the weekend too! Longing for spring, Laura
