
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Projects of 2012

It seems odd that we will be starting a new year in just a few days.  2012 has flown by.  So what did we do this year???  It is nice to look back and see. (click on the photo to go to the actual post)

Sewed some dresses.  All scrap material I had on hand, cost: a few hours of my time. 


I spruced up a couple chairs with paint and roses.  They now reside in front of my sewing table.  Cost: zero, the chairs came with a table I had bought at a thrift store eons ago and I just had them in storage. 


I crocheted a cardigan that I still love out of bamboo cotton yarn.  Cost:  $30


We made our straw bale mini greenhouse garden.  It worked fantastic last Spring and now I need to toss in some lettuce and spinach seeds to get started.  Cost: 6 bales of straw at $7 each.  The lumber was scrap we had on hand and the plastic was too.  Total = $42.00


I bought an incubator to hatch chicks.  My first batch of Swedish Flower hens.  This was so much fun I did it again with Black Copper Maran eggs.  Cost for incubator about $150 (which worked great!), the eggs ran about $50, this is a new breed to the US so the hatching eggs are pricy, but a hen alone if $50 to purchase so the eggs were the way to go. 


We built a faux pew bench from plywood. 


One of the most popular posts this year was this on of the old buckets stacked and planted.  I did enjoy this all summer.  I think I would like to make a real fountain out of buckets this next summer.  


Another highly popular post was this one on How to Paint a vintage saloon sign.


I also shared tons of signs I shipped out to my wonderful customers.   Now I am working hard on a new website, trying to improve and make it easier to navigate.  

I am looking forward to another productive and exciting year!
Have a great day. 



vif187 Funky Junk's Sat Nite SpecialFarmgirl Friday Blog Hop Keeping It SimpleUndertheTableandDreaming


  1. it was nice to look back at all of your craftiness. Wishing you a wonderful new year xo

  2. I just found your blog, and I love it. I can't wait to check out more! Your newest follower. :) Happy New Year!

    Kathy @

  3. Those dresses look so lovely!

    Hopping by and following your lovely blog's GFC, FB and NB. I blog @ Getting Healthy with Essential Oils

  4. You have been very productive! Those little chicks are adorable!
