
Monday, October 22, 2012

Learn to Paint Lesson 5 continued

I am sorry, I did promise this post sooner but as you can tell that did not happen.

(for more Learn to Paint posts just click the link in the toolbar above)

I have endured a weird set of circumstances (stiff neck and muscle spasms in my right shoulder)which has proven nearly debilitating.  I am sitting here with a hot rice sock on the offending area as we speak and to top it off I broke a tooth yesterday.  So now that that whine fest is over and you have all become sympathetic to my plight I will finally get the ‘geranium’ flower steps posted for you.

And I have attached a few more videos at the bottom of this post.  

In this lesson I am using a #8 flat brush.  Double load your brush then start on the chisel edge, press,

easyflowers 005

wiggle your brush up and down as you make a narrow arc

easyflowers 006

and bring the brush down to the beginning letting the bristles spring back to a chisel point.  It might help to make a dot for the beginning and end spot as a guideline.

easyflowers 007

Like the other 5 petal flowers you make your little man with the head then 2 arms

easyflowers 008

and then the two legs.

easyflowers 009

If you wish to add a secondary color to the center you can at this point by dipping the corner of your brush into the new color (here I used yellow) and brush it in loosely.  To make it more transparent just mix some blending gel into your brush first.

easyflowers 010

Tap in some dark dots with a liner brush

easyflowers 011

Then add some smaller lighter dots on top

easyflowers 012

voila! A geranium blossom.

Watch the video for a few ways to paint 5 petal flowers including the geranium type blossom.

5 petal flower video

This short video shows a similar way but with the petals closer together and overlapping a bit.

more of a good thing

A repeat of how scallop strokes can be used for a flower, repeat info.

So what is next…hmmm, how about a daisy??
Okay I will work on getting a daisy post up soon.

Happy painting.  Back to my studio for me, I have painting to do!

q Pamela  r

My Uncommon Slice of SuburbiaDomestically Speakingshabby creek cottageBlogfestFarmgirl Friday Blog HopFunky Junk's Sat Nite Special


  1. Sorry to hear about your pains. One is bad enough without both things wrong at once. You do very well with a paint brush. I am not into that, but love seeing what others do.

  2. Sweet. I've got to get some paint and find something to paint a flower on.

  3. How fantastic! Great tutorial. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  4. Hello! I’m stopping in to invite you to join us at the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week!

    I hope to see you there!
    The Chicken Chick

  5. Great tips Pam! Love those geraniums. Sure hope you are feeling better and got that tooth fixed. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.
