
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

67 Ways to Be Healthier in a Minute or Less! : Organic Gardening

Would you believe this is how I found our "green" drycleaners? I did a search for the local one and up popped the cleaners that delivers to our pharmacy. No more driving an hour to take our stuff to the cleaners plus I like that they are green, I hate the smell of dry cleaning chemicals!

67 Ways to Be Healthier in a Minute or Less! : Organic Gardening


  1. Dry Cleaners that deliver to a Pharmacy... now that's innovative. Somebody was thinking.
    I will take a look at the Link soon. Thanks.

    1. They deliver to many places up and down the mountain. When folks are so spread out I guess it makes economical sense. At least for me it does.

  2. Thanks for the link, I am off to check it out!
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. I have another link coming up soon on 9 healthy foods. My favorite thing (ice tea) is on it with the explanation of why it is so good for us.
