
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cottage Flower of the Week #1

I like unique but easy to grow flowers.  Ones you cannot seem to find in your ordinary garden center or nursery.  I tend to lean towards the informal look of cottage gardens and I hunt down old fashioned cottage flowers to test in my humble little patch.

Agrostemma githago is one such cottage garden flower. 
Agrostemma githago ‘Milas’
Photos courtesy of Annie’s Annuals (love her stuff)

I enjoy the way it dances in the slightest breeze.  The simplicity of the fluted blossoms and delicate stripes radiating from their throats immediately charms you.
Agrostemma githago ‘Milas’
The masses of blooms floating above the grassy yet sturdy foliage provides a soft wave of color in the landscape throughout spring and early summer in warmer climates but here in the mountains it blooms more in early to mid summer.

This graceful bloomer goes by various names: Corn Cockle, Rose of Heaven and even Noxious Weed!  Yes, as is true of many easy growing flowers in some areas they can self seed to the point of being a pest.  I do not have such trouble with it as our cold winters keep it tamed.  I save the seed from one season to the next and restart the seeds each spring.

Actually some sites say NOT to start this plant in pots as it does not transplant well but the very first one I tried was from Annie’s Annuals, it came in a 4 inch pot and did just fine.  I was very careful not to disturb the roots.

I hunted down seeds for it since I wanted plenty and found them at Renee’s Garden.
Photo courtesy of Renee’s Garden

The latest version is pure white and is called “Ocean Pearls”.   They are fabulous for cutting to bring inside, they make graceful bouquets.

If you don’t live in an area that this is troublesome in, I encourage you to give it a whirl.  It does like good soil but does not take a lot of work to look lovely.

(I am not affiliated with either Renee’s Garden or Annie’s Annuals, this is just my humble opinions)

Enjoy a new flower today!
PhotobucketThe Girl CreativeCopy_of_001


  1. Such a beautiful color. This probably would not grow in Arizona. Have a great day.

  2. Beautiful little flower. I can see this in a cottage garden. We are a little lower than you and don't get as much snow, so this variety might be good here.
    I wish I had never planted Vinca. As pretty as it is, I have created a monster. Vinca is truly a Noxious Weed and should never be planted anywhere.

  3. I like the fact you like the old fashioned, I have bee looking for some alos for mylittle space..thank you for sharing.This is indeed very pretty.

  4. Those are gorgeous Pam! I have never seen them before. That purple is so vibrant.

  5. Pamela~ first time here..and I love it! Those photos are beautiful..and I need to get me some of those Ocean Pearls!

  6. very nice...I just jotted it's name down!

  7. This is a very pretty annual. It's hard to get something different and unusual at the nurseries here unless starting from seed too.

  8. Very pretty. What a sweet little flower.

  9. Writing this one down to check w/my local nursery - so cute & sweet! always love bringing more charm to the garden~ ooxx, tracie
    thanks for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's!

  10. Gorgeous purple flowers you got here :) Been busy for Easter. Sorry for my late visit but my post is not late :) Hope you can visit my Fertilizer Friday here.

  11. Thanks for your post, I now have been able to identify the 'mystery' flower that came up in my garden. I came across an old packet of mixed cottage garden seeds, when I was having a tidy. It was way past it's use by date, but I thought I'd give it a go, and sprinked the whole packet on the garden bed. Just a couple of seedlings came up....and sadly only one survived! You guessed it - the corn cockle! :)
