
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Snow and cupcakes!

Good Wednesday evening!  Just a quick note tonight. More and more snow coming down but I hear next week we shall see spring again!  I have kept busy with indoor chores, getting ready for tax time, spring cleaning and painting of signs.  I finished this custom sign…
I enjoyed using the pastel colors.  While I was at it I decided I wanted to try a couple cupcake signs…this first one just does not do anything for me, I don’t know if it is too busy or what, I just can't pin down what I don’t like.
But this one I really like…
Maybe because it is not as busy.  I have also been working on some Open/Closed signs as I have been getting many requests on my website for them.   
I hope everyone everywhere else is having warm Spring days!  I know I shall soon but until then I will keep at the indoor chores. 
Ta ta…signaturePamela

It's a KeeperPhotobucketUndertheTableandDreaming


  1. Those are adorable! I love how they turned out! The sun was shining here but still very cold.

  2. Those look great! You've done a great job!

