
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Latest Peep

Good Evening..I am going see if I can download a video for you to enjoy.  Nothing says spring (other than robins singing) than the music of baby chicks peeping.  So without further ado…
The latest editions (the chicks) are now a week old and feathering out.  They are getting playful and rambunctious, which spells healthy.  We are keeping them together but will separate out my 5 in the next week or so and I will bring them home (they are at my mom’s for now, just down the street).  They get plenty of love.
And are curious about that black thing shoved into their cage (aka: camera)
See the copper spot on this ones head, she so far is the only one with this color on her.  On the one staring into the camera you can see the little bitty feathers replacing the fluff on the wings.
I had started a post on English roses but I wanted to share a video and I got caught up in learning how to add it to my blog.  Let’s hope it works! Enjoy this little taste of spring!


  1. They are the cutest! I just love em' when they are little fuzz balls! Enjoy! Caroline

  2. So adorable! I’m a new follower Happy Wednesday!! I would love for you to stop and take a look at my blog as well! Thanks!

  3. We had little baby chicks growing up. What a great experience for kids!


  4. Oh my gosh Pam they are so adorable and their peeping does make you smile!!! They look so fluffy, I just want to hug them!!!

  5. Oh my that is Easter cuteness at its finest!

    I am having an antique auction on my blog. All sorts of lovely and romantic finds looking for a new home. I hope you'll stop by.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Those chicks are sooo adorable! I want to go before our village board (we live in a town with 1400 population) and try to convince them to allow me to have 6 hens for laying eggs. Right now there is an ordinance against chickens in the city. Anyone with any suggestions on how to present this idea of chickens in the city limits---please contact me at! Many thanks!

  7. Hop, hop, hop! Glad to meet you via the Farm Friends Hop! What cute chicks! I have some sitting in the cowbarn already so we`ll be having some peeps here soon!

  8. They are very cute oh yes and so are the chicks, B

  9. Peeping chicks is definitely a taste of Spring! Thanks...:)JP

  10. How adorable! We had some chicks that my daughter incubated for a project-she says it was one of her best memories. McMurray's Hatchery just sent me their new catalog and it's got me thinking...Take care.


  11. Oh how absolutely sweet!!! Thanks for sharing this at FNF! :)

  12. We are still a couple months from good chick weather - I can hardly wait! Thanks for sharing yours!!

  13. We still have snow on the ground but we keep the chicks indoors in a large cage. We normally would wait until maybe May to get chicks but when we found some Black Copper Marans available we had to hop on it. Thank you everyone for stopping by, I am still not getting my comments via my email so I am trying to check in on each of my posts and reply.
