
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy First Day of Spring!

I am going to remain positive here.  No whining about the relentless white stuff falling from the sky.  No moans and groans about the inevitable power loss. Just calm acceptance and an assurance that this too shall melt! 

Days such as this, when we must go for hours without that lovely stuff called electricity, will remind me not to fret over the amount charged on my electric bill, to write out the check or online payment with a flourish and complete appreciation for the privilege and convenience of POWER!

I did make the most of my electricity free time.  I curled up by the woodstove in my favorite recliner, snuggly fleece blanket across my legs, delicious tea within my reach and a fabulous mini vacation in my hand (aka: frivolous novel).  It took me away from watching this….


for a few hours.  Do you remember yesterday? Where I compared Thursday, Mar. 18 to Friday, Mar. 19 on my back deck?  Here is the reminder photo…


Now we have today, Mar 20th….this is my back deck now. DSC_0002

You can barely make out the tops of the poles in my barrel and my poor bent over bamboo is nearly completely unrecognizable.  Ah, welcome Madame Spring!

Who knows when the plows will make it thru.  We have over a foot on the roadways as we speak and no sign of the snow letting up.  I will sit here and thankfully ponder my little luxuries, the refrigerator humming, my internet is back, and my trusty dusty laptop now graces my lap so I can visit with all of you. Smile

My handsome strong backed hubby is once again out shoveling.  He took advantage of the electricity free time to snore gently in his recliner.  He deserved it, he had plowed for nearly 3 hours earlier today to clear the driveway and walkways of snow.  He loves the stuff but I think even he is getting a bit weary of white! 

My humble abode adorned in her winter gown…


Now that I have bored you all to tears with my non-whining, I shall return to my novel and my snow free mini-vacation!

PS.  if you don’t hear from me tomorrow you will know they packed me off to the Funny Farm! 



  1. OMG. Spring has not started for U yet. I hope this doesn't last long. Visit my'll cheer U up....I hope. Hugs

  2. Oh my goodness, Pam! Apparently winter doesn't want to leave just yet in your neck of the woods! I hope some spring sunshine joins you very soon.

    Take care,

  3. Dear Pamela, I can relate..but even here in Mass we are seeing better than this..Love your home in the snow..looks so beautiful..the yellow and white look stunning!
    Enjoy your warm evenings and a nice spot of tea..the sun is coming one day!

  4. Your home is beautiful, and the snow is so pretty. I don't envy you with the shoveling, though. The snow we get doesn't usually last long, just enough to enjoy. Have a wonderful day.

  5. Hi Pamela,
    I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself just a wee bit because of all the snow falling this morning until I went to Fishtail Cottage and clicked on your link and saw this. It has been a long Winter here as well. I am ready to dig in the garden, but it will have to wait.
    Your blog is so lovely.

  6. Ugh.....i'm so sorry that you are still seeing snow! Although it is beautiful & your home is gorgeous! I'm so glad there is garden parties going on so we can see what is going on in each others gardens! Thanks for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's - hoping your link next week has some sunshine? Hugs to you & stay cozy! oxox, Tracie
