
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Get the INSIDE scoop!

My Fabulous Creative Space!

Well, I got brave and photographed the inside of the studio.  So many expressed their wish to see it and yet I know this is not what they were expecting.  I am sure they have visions of great decor, smancy lighting and froo froo's.  But the reality is I am MESSY when creating and this is a working studio.   I have been just running in, painting up a few signs at a time then closing the door behind me as I go about my day. Plus during the cold winter months I had to set up building my dining room table in here.
This is when it was getting stained.
I do plan on revamping this all soon and it will look so much nicer.  I will save my plans for another post and I will need feedback to get suggestions.  Here is my lovely cottage...on the inside.
This is from the French Doors looking in..

 Looking to the left from the French Doors.  I have many of my geraniums I started from seed overwintering in here since it is a heated space. My greenhouse is not heated and gets little sun in the dead of winter.
 This shot is looking to the right from the French doors.  My paint table is a thrift store find that I painted white. I tape down butcher paper on the top so I don't get paint on it.
 A shot towards the French Doors.  You can see my little sink that I rinse my brushes out in. I need to fnish painting the legs and right now it is not working, the pipes to it outside froze last year, in fact my entire back yard water system is toast.  Something on our 'to do' list for this spring and summer.  So, in the meantime I haul 1 gallon milk jugs full of water in from the house.
 A shot of the loft.  My daughter used to love to lay up there and read while I painted.  She has since grown up and moved away but I left her feather mattress up there.  I will use this for storage soon.
This is where I work on painting the signs for my website and for special orders that people request.

Now that you have all gasped in dismay over what it REALLY looks like inside, I will bid you adieu.


The step by step plans/eBook are now available.  Click on the website button above to find out more!

Domestically SpeakingToday's Creative Bloghandmade projectsFrench Country Cottage


  1. I love it! I would love to have a space like this! You have so much light in there.. I didn't realise you had so many windows. Being a crafter myself I know how things can get messy but that's the good thing of being able to shut the door on everything.. then you can just go back and pick up where you left off.. you are so lucky! take care, Maryann

  2. It looks like the perfect place for creating and being creative and so light and pretty ,
    One reason I have not posted a picture of my office is becase I cannot clean it up long enought to take a nice pitcure ,but who knows you have inspired me now:)

  3. what an awesome space! My kids would love the loft too!!!

  4. How adorable! I loved hearing the part about how your daughter would read in the loft ~ that's too precious!

  5. Utterly charming! I'd be torn between reading in the loft or creating!

    I'm your newest follower, hope you'll visit me as well!

    ~Renee @

  6. What a fascinating peek into the studio where you do your work. I loved this glimpse into the creative side of your life. I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

  7. How wonderful! I just discovered your blog today!

    added you to my list of lovely bloggers and I'll be back to see what you're making in the " cottage"
    Deborah Jean

  8. It already looks like such a lovely place to work in. I think a seperate craft room is such a lovely idea. Really gives that feeling of an 'art studio'.
    Happy playing and crafting to you!
    xo Marianne

    PS you started pelargoniums from seed?! Wow, I am already very happy if I can get mine to last more than one year. I am impressed.

  9. What a completely gorgeous place to work in. So warm and cosy. I love it!

    I'd love to have a place like that to hive off to if I was feeling a bit stressed!

    I'm your new follower.


  10. What an amazing little space you have created for yourself -- I love it!

  11. So glad you posted pics of the inside! I am going to feature them on Thrilling Thursday @ Paisley Passions tomorrow. Thanks for linking up!

    ~Lori @ Paisley Passions

  12. We are all jealous that we don't have this space.. .. so your messiness is excused. LOL

  13. How nice to have your own creative space. I totally need that!

  14. ok now I am seriously green with envy. your own little house out back. truly fab. thanks for sharing it!
    xo jeanne.

  15. Hi Pam~ your little house is soooo charming! I love it ! How neat to have a little spot to create in that is all your own! Thanks for the tour and thank you for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)

  16. I love it! Thanks for linking it up at my Reality Collection. Isn't that how we all are, though? Our homes and lives look picture perfect on the outside, but sometimes it's a bit messy on the inside. Oh well, right? That's real life, and you've got to just embrace it and love it! :) Thanks, again!


  17. So adorable and real! Soon, we will all be able to get organized...and that's life! Love your creative space.

  18. That is such a cute "cottage" studio. Love it.

  19. I love it!! What a great space!!
    I am so jealous!!!
    How fun!!!!

  20. Me again.......I was just sitting here thinking how much I LOVE your space!!!!
    I am so, so jealous!!!

  21. That is the prettiest messy room ever! Thanks for linking up :)

  22. My fiance loves to spoil me too. I am going to have him help me build a studio when we get a house (hopefully soon). Thanks for all of the pictures and information, Great Project!

  23. I don't mind the messy at all and am glad you posted it. I've been wanting something like this for years, a quiet space to write, work, create, etc. Too small for a sewing room, but I would love to have it as a quiet space of my own. My husband built one for himself, I guess it's time I started nagging him about one for me!

  24. I have a little garden house in my back yard very similar. Hubby and a friend actually drug it over from the neighbor's house. It is an old wash shed. However, the inside is much different. God made some of us messy and some of us neat and organized! lol Need I say more. I'm the friend who straightens before I sit down to play. Thanks for the tour! Donna

  25. Love your studio! I have a small shed handed down from my mother & hopefully it'll become my studio one day, until then, it's cram-packed full of unused/unwanted items :( Thanks so much for the free building plan download! AliceG

  26. How nice to finally see a craft space that actually looks like a real working studio. All these pictures of where people craft seem so unreal to me, nothing out of place, no mess, not enough worktable space to set down a paintbrush or can of paint, almost created to photograph but not do anything in. I'd call this the real deal, how refreshing! My shed is in the process of being revamped but my problem is that it's a ways away from my house, thus no water, no electricity. Is your shed very close or did you run power out to it (and how? especially the water to the sink). Just found your blog for your painting tutorial which is what I'm looking to do on the outside of my little shed.

    1. You are a no reply blogger so I hope you get this note. My studio cottage is just behind our house a few feet so it is close enough it was easy to run power and water. If you can't run a power line underground I would suggest a small generator (Honda makes some very quiet, easy to start ones) and hook up water using a regular water hose. Easy enough to hook up when you need it. I am not sure if you are planning on heating it in the winter and what practical solution you could come up with for that. Yes, my studio is not a decorators dream but it is a great workspace, and it works everyday.
