
Thursday, February 24, 2011

English Delphiniums and a Garden Shed

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Good morning all.  After a brief respite to dig out we are expecting another dilly of a snow storm.  Thankfully, my husband is home this time and will be on hand to do the majority of the shoveling.  He is still slogging away on the plans (ie: eBook) of my studio. I should be able to post it by next week.
In the meantime I stumbled upon this blog and fell in love with this garden shed.  All reclaimed materials.
Actually I fell in love with the entire garden section of this antique mall in Portland, Ore.  My Brother in law lives near Portland with his family and we have been meaning to get up there for a visit.  I will put this place on my list of “must” visit spots.
I was excited to receive my English Delphiniums seeds this past week.  They seem to grow very well here and I first gave them a try a few years ago.  In my move this past year I lost many that I had dug up (twice) so I needed to replenish my stock. 
I nabbed these photos from this website: Alaska Garden.
I buy my seeds from Dowdeswell’s in New Zealand.
They are the only suppliers of English Delphiniums seeds I have found so far.  (if anyone knows of any others, please share) I have my seeds tucked into the refrigerator until I can get them started. Here is a shot of my piddily few left.
I LOVE this pure blue. 
Now I am off to frost some pumpkin bars. 

this blessed nest


  1. Hi Pamela! I loved this post so much I did a little one myself and sent my readers over here to take a peak!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Dear Pamela, WOW, oh WOW! those Delphiniums are beautiful. I plant tons every year but they don't seem to do so well in my neck of the woods. I'm going to spend more time this season (if it every arrives) to find out what is wrong!
    I want them to look like these!!!
    I'm now your newest follower as I have to see what you are doing next!
    I just asked Tracie if she used her frigerator to keep seeds. Guess you! I was not sure about this but maybe the person who told me this knew it was true. Glad you mentioned it!

  3. Deborah Jean told my about your blog. I love this garden shed too! I want one! I think it will have to go on the project list!

  4. PS. Now, about those gorgeous Delphiniums..I'm going to have to order some seeds!
    Love that blue!

  5. Hi Pamela,

    When I checked in on Deborah Jean tonight I saw that I HAD to zoom on over to your blog and check out your darling and inspirational garden dream shed. And those delphiniums! Wow.

    Thanks for sharing. I'll try to keep track of your postings.

    All joys to you,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  6. I love the dream shed and your awesome creative cottage work space! Thanks for checking out my reality posting linked to drink a coke!

  7. I love Delphiniums, they are so beautiful! I have a few in my garden and they remind me of my grandparents garden, they had so many! :) The dream shed is gorgeous too, what a wonderful place to sit and do whatever you like! :)

  8. I love flowers and your delphiniums are so beautiful. It gets a little hot at the seashore to grow them and they don't come back the next year so we have to treat them as annuals. Cooler temps they are lovely. I have seen beautiful ones in Canada and pics of them in Maine.
    I love that shed! wouldnt it be fun to work in there!

  9. Those flowers are so pretty! So vibrant and true blue. Your blog is beautiful :)


  10. that garden shed is a dream! love it. would love even more to have those gorgeous delphiniums in my garden!

    thanks for linking up to the SPRING FLING!

    happy weekend.
